Saturday, January 31, 2009


I recently subscribed to and I am amazed at the possibilities through this resource. Finding a useful resource for teaching can be difficult at times. Through my delicious account I can bookmark web sites that are ideal for instructional and professional learning and easily retrieve the site from any computer. My students will be embarking soon on a research project and I look forward to integrating this new tool to assist them in their journey. Check it out

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

One way to have students keep bookmarks for a project is to have them all post the bookmarks to delicious with the same tag that you designate. For example, fof a project on dinosours,they could all tag the sites they find as "dino2009." In that way, if they do a search on delicious of everybody's delicious tags, they will find all the sites tagged "dino2009."